The small town of Tonteldoos, was established in 1883, as a North Eastern frontier buffer zone populated by poor but resourceful burghers. Nobody is certain how the town got the unique name of Tonteldoos, but it is said that the local land surveyor lost his tinder-box in the area whilst surveying the farmlands.
The town is nestled in a peaceful valley, closely situated to the more well known destination of Dullsrtoom,the region is scattered with farms, hectares of peach trees and smallholdings, offering a true country experience. Some interesting venues have sprung up in the town including a pub, a cheese farm, a country kitchen and a variety of welcoming accommodation establishments,yet the greatest attribute of the small escarpment town in the Steenkampsberg mountains, remains its people who add a special charm to the place.
The Tonteldoos Valley is also home to a unique variety of flora. At least three species of arum lilies occur in the Tonteldoos area,and include the yellow arum lily. Another rare species occurring in the Tonteldoos area is Aloe reitzii, which is named after F.W. Reitz, who first collected the plant and cultivated it in his garden. Another Tonteldoos special is Haemanthus humilis ssp. hirsitus. It is more commonly known as Velskoenblaar or Rabbits Ears, because the leaves are soft and fluffy.