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Noon Gun - Signal Hill, Cape Town

Signal Hill runs from Lion’s Head out towards the V&A Waterfront and Sea Point, flanking the City Bowl. People flock here every day for the firing of the Noon Gun, one of Cape Town’s oldest traditions.  © Cape Town Tourism

Noon Gun - Signal Hill, Cape Town

The Noon Gun or Noon Day Gun on Signal Hill in Cape Town is a historic cannon that has become a well-known landmark and a popular tourist attraction. The gun was originally installed in 1806 as a time signal for ships in the harbour, allowing them to set their marine chronometers accurately. Each day at noon, the gun is fired, marking the exact time and providing a tradition that continues to this day. The Noon Gun was initially fired from a fort at the top of Signal Hill but was relocated in the early 20th century to its current position.

The cannon itself is a Victorian-era naval gun, and its firing is accompanied by a puff of smoke, creating a dramatic spectacle against the backdrop of the stunning views of Cape Town, Table Mountain, and the Atlantic Ocean. The event attracts locals and tourists alike, who gather to witness the gun firing, often taking advantage of the surrounding picnic areas and hiking trails that Signal Hill offers. The Noon Gun is not only a reminder of Cape Town's maritime history but also a cherished part of the city's cultural heritage.

Please note: The Noon Gun is best viewed from the surrounding areas of Signal Hill, and there are no formal visitor facilities directly associated with the gun itself.

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