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Kruger National Park - Limpopo

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Kruger National Park - Limpopo

Kruger National Park is one of the largest game reserves in Africa and is one of the most popular holiday destinations if you are looking for a wildlife experience.

The Klaserie Nature Reserve is a private reserve with a unique trail system where you will get to see many species of bird and animals such as elephant, rhino, leopard, lion and hippo to name just a few. Another attraction is the Balule Private Game Reserve which is located along the banks of the Olifants River between Phalaborwa and Hoedspruit. Here you will get to see large game like elephant, hippo and many more on the game drives that are available. The Thornybush Game Reserve also offers game drives and 4x4 tours where you will experience the joy of pure African wilderness including the big five.

On the eastern side of Mopani lies the northern part of the Kruger National Park. This part of the Kruger Park has several rest camps, but this northern area is wilder than the South. The rest camps are fewer and the distances between them greater. But this does not detract from the magnificence of it all – indeed it makes the bushveld even more wild and wonderful. The camps in the northern sector (Mopani, Shingwedzi and Punda Maria) all have filling stations but accommodation facilities are rather less sophisticated than some of the camps in the South.

Situated in the very South of Mopani is the town of Hoedspruit (Hat Creek), well known as the main airbase of the South African Air Force. This beautiful unspoilt part of the Valley is surrounded by several large private game reserves – Balule, Klaserie, Timbavati and Thornybush to name but a few. These reserves border the vast National Park to their East and generally speaking there are no game fences between them and the Kruger National Park.


The Kruger National Park experiences hot to very hot humid summer months with most rainfall between the months of September and May. The winter months are warm to hot and dry. Game viewing can be at its best during the dry winter months; however the wet summer season brings full waterholes, lush bushveld, much newborn wildlife and the summer migrant birds arrive.

The Kruger Park has a hot, sub-tropical climate and most of the year it is hot during the day (above 25°C).

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