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The Pepperpot

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The Pepperpot
The Pepperpot is situated in Fraserburg. It is set in the middle of the town on the Market Square for all to admire. This beautiful hexagonal shaped building stands approximately 9 metres high. You can see the crossbar where the bell hangs. Fraserburg is well known for this unique building which became a National Monument on 29 October 1971. This building holds much history since it was built in 1861. It was once the Magistrates Private Office, the Market Masters Office and it was also the very first library. The Pepperpot was then used as the Public Library and School Board Office when the Municipality moved.

Many feet have passed through this unique and beautiful building and I am sure it holds plenty memories for many.

For more information please contact:
Karoo Hoogland Tourism Office:
Tel: +27-23-5711265
Fax: +27-23-5711307
Or email: hooglandtourism@telkomsa.net

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