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Stellar Organic Winery

Situated in the Namaqualand hamlet of Trawal, 275km North of Cape Town, Stellar Winery is the largest producer of organic wines in South Africa processing over 4500 tons of organic grapes for the South African and export markets.

Farms from the Northern parts of the Olifants River wine region and Namaqualand supply their organic grapes to the Stellar Organic Winery for production and today Stellar is the number one organic wine brand in the UK. The internationally recognised Control Union Certifications, based in the Netherlands ensure that the organic vineyards and winemaking processes are all fully certified. As part of our certification all the farms are kept and managed in as natural a state as possible. You will find that the vineyards are all healthy and the types of insects are varied and abundant. Use is made of environmentally sound practices to control weeds and pests for example, Indian Runner ducks are kept in the Stellar vineyards to control snails and no chemical pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or fertilizers are used. If you examine the soil you will find large numbers of earthworms - a sign of a healthy ecosystem. Some of the Vineyards supplying grapes to Stellar Organic Winery are: Middelplaas, Kolsvlei, Boplaas, Matjiesfontein, Nuwehoop, De Duinen, Troe-Troe, Matzikama, Moravia, Heldersig, Lutow and Swartsbooisberg. Stellar Organics are also one of a few wineries that produce a No-Sulphur Added (NSA) Range.

For more information and bookings contact:
Tel: +27-27-2161310
Fax: +27-27-2161537
Or email: info@stellarorganics.co.za

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