Namibia consists of 14 different regions, one of these regions is the Omusati region. Omusati borders on 3 of the other regions within Namibia, the Ohangwena, Oshana and Kunene regions, as well as having the Cunene Province of Angola as its northern border. An area commonly known as Owamboland in the north of Namibia consists of four regions, Omusati, Oshana, Ohangwena and Oshikoto, and by Namibian standards this area has an unusually dense population. Omusati has over 228 000 inhabitants, as at the 2001 population census, which makes it the region with the second largest population while Ohangwena has just under 228 000 making it the third largest. This area is named after the Owambo people, who are Namibia's largest cultural group, a group that makes up slightly more than half of the population. The capital of this region is Outapi, also known as Uutapi and Ombalantu.
There are two main types of vegetation in Omusati, the Mopani tree is the dominant species, while Makalani palms is the other. The palms however decrease rapidly as you travel westwards from the border with the Oshana region. This change in vegetation type reflects ecological conditions that form a natural boundary between the two regions. Although there are a few tourist attractions in the region, Omusati is mainly an agricultural region that specializes in the cultivation of Mahangu. Mahangu is more commonly known as pearl millet and is a staple food in Northern Namibia. A canal carries water from the Ruacana River to Oshakati and passes through Uutapi. Water from this canal has been used to irrigate a large, government-run farm at Etunda where crops such as maize, watermelons and bananas are grown.
Some of the tourist attractions in the region include, the Uukwaluudhi Conservancy, The Tsandi Royal House, The Himba Girl, the Ruacana Waterfall, The Hippo pool, the Rock Formation, The Omabalantu Baobab tree heritage center and the Omungulugwombashe monument. Although the region is crossed by a high quality road that provides a direct link to adjacent regions and the rest of the country, it is important to remember that the rest of the road network in the region, as with all the communal areas of northern Namibia, is not of the best quality.